Helping Hand International

Helping Hand International is a UK-based non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to communities in need worldwide. Our mission is to bring hope and improve lives wherever it is needed the most. Learn more about our history, mission, and values.

About Us

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to alleviate poverty, promote education, improve healthcare access, and empower communities to achieve sustainable development. Our vision is a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.


Established in 2008, Helping Hand International has a rich history of humanitarian work. Explore our journey, milestones, and achievements over the years.

Our Team

Meet the dedicated individuals behind Helping Hand International, including our board members, staff, and volunteers. Learn about their expertise and commitment to our cause.


Information about our partnerships with other organizations, governments, and donors to maximize our impact and reach.

We Build Better Lifes Healthcare Education Livelihoods Water Sanitation With Your Help

Featured Projects

Projects and Activities

Highlighted projects showcasing our impact in key areas such as education, healthcare, water, sanitation, and livelihoods. Explore detailed information about each project, including goals, beneficiaries, and outcomes.

Ongoing Initiatives

Learn about our ongoing initiatives, campaigns, and emergency response efforts addressing immediate needs and long-term development challenges.

Past Events

Recap of past events, workshops, and community outreach programs organized by Helping Hand International.

Volunteer Spotlight

Recognize the contributions of our volunteers and their role in driving positive change in communities around the world.

How Can You Help?


Support our work by making a one-time or recurring donation. Explore different donation options, including online payments, bank transfers, and legacy giving.


Start your own fundraising campaign or participate in our fundraising events to raise awareness and funds for critical projects. By joining forces with our community, you can make a tangible impact and support initiatives that drive meaningful change.


Join our volunteer network and contribute your time, skills, and passion to make a difference. Explore volunteer opportunities and apply to become a volunteer with us.

Corporate Partnerships

Information for businesses interested in partnering with Helping Hand International through corporate social responsibility programs, employee engagement initiatives, or cause-related marketing campaigns.

Contact Us


123 Aid Street, London, UK.



+44 1234 567890